For review purposes, abstracts are required to be categorized into different themes as follows:
- Cardiac Critical Care
- Clinical Trials and Basic Science Research
- Congenital Heart Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension
- General / Preventive Cardiology
- Heart Failure / Myocardial and Pericardial Disease
- Heart Rhythm Disorders / EP
- Innovations in Cardiovascular Care
- Interventional Cardiology / Structural Heart Disease
- Multi-Modality- Cardiac Imaging
- Pharmacotherapy
- Sports Cardiology
- Vascular Medicine
- Women's Heart Health
Abstract Structure
1. Title: The title should indicate the abstract content. Company or trade names, special symbols, characters, and uncommon abbreviations are not permitted.
2. Type: You may select one of the following types of abstract:
- Poster Presentation
- Oral Presentation
- YIA Presentation
- Case Submission Abstract
3. Content: Abstract body should not exceed 250 words. Content must be organized in the following structure:
- "Objectives", "Materials and Methods", "Results", and "Conclusion".
A sample abstract can be viewed here.
b) Case Submission Abstract
- Section headings: "Case Background / History", "Problem / Complication", "Results", and "Conclusion".
A sample abstract can be viewed here.
4. Supporting Image/Graph/Illustration (Optional):
You may submit a supporting image, graph, or illustration for your abstract. This material will be considered for evaluation but will not be included in the Abstract Book or JAPSC.
Young Investigator Awards
The Young Investigator Award (YIA) aims to reward outstanding research amongst those in the early stages of their career.
- Applicant must be in the early stages of their career, up to five years post-training in cardiology.
- Applicant must be from an Asia Pacific country.
- Applicant must submit training certification and CV during abstract submission.
- Abstract must be presented by the applicant during the meeting.
Selection Process:
- Select "YIA Application" during abstract submission for oral presentation.
- Shortlisted abstracts are notified based on scores assigned by the Abstract Selection Committee.
Abstract Submission Terms & Conditions
- All abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Only online submissions are accepted.
- Abstracts should contain original material not published or presented internationally.
- Presenting authors must register for the congress.
- Kindly ensure that all co-authors are accurately listed prior to submission, as no additional co-authors will be permitted to be added after the submission